Subsidies & Financing

There are various subsidies available from Dutch Government. We list below two main options:

  1. For companies with installation less than < 3 x 80 A  – EIA subsidy and net-metering is available;
  2. For companies > 3 x 80 A connection – SDE + subsidy.

We can assist and arrange financing options for your solar PV installation.

You want to have solar PV installation?  Contact us and we will do everything for you.

Energy Investment Deduction

All costs (to a maximum of € 750 per kW peak power) of a PV system with a combined peak output of more than 25 kW which are connected to the mains via a connection to a total maximum transmission value of 3 x 80 A or less, qualify for EIA.

Also, cost for a connection to the electricity, (possibly) active solar tracking system, (possibly) current / voltage converter, (possibly) accumulator may be eligible for EIA is achieved if the other requirements. The maximum of € 750 per kW peak power is also applicable to this equipment.

Through the Energy Investment a tax benefit can be received for investing in energy-efficient technologies and renewable energy. Investment in solar panels, LED lighting, heat pumps and other energy-efficient technologies can qualify.


  • Within three months after the investment commitment there must be applied for the EIA subsidy.
  • The applicant is corporation tax payer.
  • The asset was not previously used.
  • The asset must cost at least € 2,500.

Grant: 58% of the investment costs can be deducted from taxable profit, in addition to the usual depreciation. Average EIA net benefit is 15%.

Encouraging Sustainable Energy (SDE +)

The SDE + stimulates the Ministry of Economic Affairs to develop a sustainable energy supply in the Netherlands. Renewable energy is better for the environment, Netherlands less dependent on fossil fuels and is good for the economy.

With SDE + producers receive subsidy for generating sustainable energy and not for the purchase of production Facilities. The SDE + has two opening rounds: spring and autumn. The SDE + spring 2017 is closed. The announcement of the final dates and the total budget of the SDE + autumn 2017 is expected in early June 2017.
During each round a company or institution can register in four different phases which grants up
each phase (see table below).

Applications are handled in the order that the budget after Phase 1 or 2 may be exhausted.
In this way the government is trying to stimulate the most cost effective solutions.

For more information please see:

We will be more than happy to advise about
SDE +, please contact us.